Which Technology Will Be Best To Create A Website? (Technology, CMS, WordPress)

Choosing a tech stack is a crucial step in developing a website. You have to check for multiple factors from functionality to scalability and security before making a decision. But that’s not a simple decision to take on your own if you are not a developer.

For this purpose, a dedicated development team would assist you in making a better decision. The right tech stack would be necessary to keep you safe from future hassles and security issues.

Website Development Technologies

Website Development Technology is the group of factors required to build a fully functional website. These factors include:

  • Tools
  • Frameworks (HTML, JS, CSS)
  • Programming languages
  • Databases.

These technologies allow developers to develop a full-stack website with all the features required. 

These website technologies can be broadly classified as:

Front-end Technologies

Front-end is like the confront of a site, it portrays the visible side of the website. The developer develops a website with the most effective front-end technologies to create a better user experience

Some common Front-end technologies are.

  • HTML- is an essential Programming language utilized to create websites from scratch. It lays the foundation of a website.
  • Java Script- Java Script is another important and versatile website to enhance the user experience and functionality of a website.
  • CSS- CSS is responsible for visualizing HTML tags and creating a better image of the Programming language.


Back-end Technologies

Back-end technology plays a vital role in building a website. The back-end manages how a website is performing or its visual appearance.

These behind-the-scenes technologies are crucial in building a well-performing website. These are the building blocks of a website, strengthening the overall life span of a website.

Choosing the backend technologies means empowering the website with functionalities, scalability, and tools to make it bug-free.

Some common backend technologies include:

  • Python

The simplest language for beginners and experts. It provides a list of libraries and frameworks to reduce the hassle of building anything from scratch.

  • PHP

A popular language with cost-efficiency and a developer-friendly interface. It gives simple integration and compatibility for way better application development.

  • Kotlin

A programming language for Android development that ensures fewer bugs and enhances readability.

  • Ruby

An ideal language for agile development with quick deployment. Its specifications include a highly secure development process, running multiple programs concurrently, and easier configuration.

  • Django

A viable choice for both large-scale and small-scale projects With clean pragmatic design it minimizes redundancy.



But how to choose the best Tech Stack for your website?

After doing deep research on Front-end and Backend technologies, you have to choose the right fit for your website. Choosing the right tech stack for your website needs to consider some important factors including design, complexity, traffic, customization, project demand, etc.

So, choosing the right technology for your website means choosing a better and more reliable future for your website. Let’s have a look at some of the important factors to consider while choosing a tech stack:

  • Beginners need to choose user-friendly options and are most likely to opt for drag-and-drop options. Complex interfaces make it difficult for users to continue.
  • Must keep in mind the requirements of your project, the one providing more customization options is good to go.
  • Never compromise over scalability, or else you remain outdated with technology upgradation. Consider WordPress and Shopify for more scalability.
  • SEO plays a vital role in the ranking of your website, so choose wisely to make optimization easy in the future. WordPress plugins offer robust SEO services.
  • Support and maintenance is the important point to deal with security and troubleshooting issues. 


What would anyone do if he/she doesn’t know coding? 

He/she is not familiar with the above-mentioned programming languages?

That means their business would never establish online visibility?

No way, in this vast digital era technology is solving everyone’s problems with the best-ever solutions. So, CMS is the solution for non-coders!

Content Management System CMS

Content Management System is a software application used to build and manage websites. Content Management System would make you hassle-free from creating anything from scratch. You have multiple plugins and themes to customize, according to your choice and use it. 

CMS consists of 2 core elements:

Content Management Application

This is the visible part where a user would add and manage data.

Content Delivery Application

It is the backend part that processes input data and makes it visible to viewers.

Some most popular CMS platforms include:

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Drupal


WordPress is the self-hosted software providing a variety of Plugins and Themes. As compared to other CMS portals WordPress holds a lead with almost 62.7% market share. This open-source publishing platform becomes a 1st hand choice for small and large business owners due to its flexibility.

Its user-friendly interface with a range of choices for customization makes it broadly embraced.

WordPress is the right mix for users to make their process easy and reliable with plugins and themes.


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